With this topic, it is important to understand that this is my opinion and what I will work on. You may follow what I am doing or do what is best for you and the relationship you are creating with God.
1. Dress more modestly
I am not saying that you have to go from your current style to modest in one day, but take it step by step. We can start by covering our chest or stomach areas - removing crop tops or wearing a longer shirt underneath. We can then elongate our shorts or skirts to a knee length or longer if you are comfortable. We can create a process of moving closer to modest clothing that makes us feel safe and comfortable.
2. Cursing Less
If you are like me and tend to curse too much, we can start understanding why we are cursing. Certain situations and emotions can trigger us to start cursing, so it is best that we take a breath before speaking or sending that message. It is difficult to do that when riding on high emotions, but slowly, we can catch ourselves before cursing.
3. Going to Church
I understand that it is nerve-racking to go to church and you do not feel your best. Understand that everyone has been through such emotions, and some might have stopped attending church for a while. Try setting a goal for yourself at first. This goal can be like attending church once every two weeks or once a month. Once you feel comfortable, you can go ahead and change that goal to attend church once a week - then proceed two times a week until you are well enough to attend church services that you can. Also, do not feel upset with yourself if you miss a service, are sick, or run out of time. The Lord is understanding and forgiving.
This article was short, but don't forget to take it step by step. I will work on this until I feel much closer to God and, even then, continue to perfect my relationship with Him.